Àâòîð ôîòî íåèçâ.
Òèòóëû: ×åìïèîí Ãåðìàíèè (KFT) , ×åìïèîí Ãåðìàíèè (VDH) , Þíûé ×åìïèîí Ãåðìàíèè (KFT) , Þíûé ×åìïèîí Ëþêñåìáóðãà Êîììåíòàðèè: HD-B2, PL-0
ÐÎÄÎÑËÎÂÍÀß Èíáðèäèíãè: Newkilber Make Mine Mink: 4:4; Champion of Germany (KFT) , Champion of Germany (VDH) , Junior Champion of Germany (KFT) , Junior Champion of Luxembourg Wheaten Rebel`s Beauty 22/0002937 ,, HD-B2
European Winner , Inter Champion , Champion of Germany (KFT) , Champion of Germany (VDH) Wheatstone Connery VDN 22/2600 ,
Inter Champion , Champion of America , Champion of Austria , Champion of Belgium , Champion of Denmark , ...Danterri Wheaten Man About Town
Lenter Wheaten Bali-tiger
Danterri Wheaten Grainne
Wheatstone True Colors
Champion of America , Champion of Finland Andover Hoot Done It K.Bergbom
Teinikedon Taalia
European Winner , Inter Champion , Champion of Germany (KFT) , Champion of Germany (VDH) , Champion of Luxembourg , ...Wheaten Rebel`s Vanity Fair VDN 22/2474 ,
Champion of the Netherlands Glenlyric I Walk The Line NHSB1675481 / VDH/KFT22/1102 ,
Krislin`s Johnnie Reb
Wheaten Rebel`s Scarlet O`hara
World Winner , European Winner , Inter Champion , Champion of Germany (KFT) , Champion of Germany (VDH) , ...Wheaten Rebel`s Ornella My Love VDH/KFT22/1771 ,Margret Moeller-Sieber
Danterri Wheaten Kris
Inter Champion , Champion of Denmark , Champion of Germany (KFT) , Champion of Germany (VDH) , Champion of the Netherlands , ...Wheaten Rebel`s Bagheera-lass G. Moller & M.Moller-Sieber
Ïîñëåäíåå îáíîâëåíèå äàííûõ 27.08.2012